Emperors of China traveled to Qu Fu for centuries to pay their respects to the Kong family. They often brought with them this mythological turtle creatures, with stele on top detailing the visit and granting new titles or powers to the Kong line.
Cielo and Vernon and the ceiling of one of the long walkways at the Temple.
There are a couple of really long buildings here. They contain what might be ancestor-worship altars, or might be imperial visit records, we weren't sure.
Domestic tourists come to visit Qu Fu and burn incense to Confucius, who didn't want his philosophy to be treated like a religion, but those are the breaks. A key point of his philosophy, to the best of our understanding, was that whatever your role in feudal Chinese society, you should be happy with it. Very convenient if you're a feudal Chinese ruler.
To the left of the incense burner you can see Alison and Cielo talking to a little boy.