In all of the train stations, there are these power vending machines. You put some money in, and plug your cell phone into the charger cord that matches your phone, and you're ready to go again!
This is a picture of the fabric market. We are told you can take a shirt or a pair of pants down there, pick a fabric, and they'll make you a new garment with the same measurements in about two weeks for about $11.
These vendors push their carts around town in which they bake yams in the skin. There's an inner area for baking and then the top part keeps them warm. They smell great, but we haven't tried one yet.
This is the front of an old Catholic Church in Shanghai.
And this is a shot inside Cybermart. It's a four-story atrium-style shopping mall that is packed with stores that sell PCs and accessories, cameras, mp3 players, etc. We wish they had stuff this cool in the U.S. In general, the selection of models and brands for consumer items is much greater here.