Remodeling Phase II

OK, so we bought a house.  Then we spent a couple of months making it liveable.  All this time, we've been living in the two smaller bedrooms and eyeing the third (master) bedroom with hungry eyes, waiting to get a chance to make it into our ideal spot.  Finally, February 1st, things got started.  The goal: be able to live in it in three months, and be completely done in six months.  We shall see.

This set of pages is organized by the dates the various photos were taken.

Before construction
February 2 March 1 April 4 May 1 June 1
February 6 March 4 April 5 May 8 June 7
February 7 March 6 April 7 May 15 June 13
February 8 March 7 April 9 May 17 June 17
February 12 March 8 April 15 May 21
February 13 March 11 April 16 May 29 July 4
February 14 March 15 April 17 July 9
February 15 March 16 April 25
February 18 March 18 April 28
February 19 March 19 April 29
February 20 March 20
February 21 March 21
February 22 March 26
February 23 March 29
February 25
February 26
February 27
February 28