
Note the convenient toilet in the garage.
Note the convenient toilet in the garage
Before any changes

This is where the washer and dryer will go, after we seal that exhaust hole a little better.
The garage window and dryer vent hole

The extra toilet is gone, now, and so is the little room it was in.  That other space to the left is where the water heater
and furnace are.
toilet and toilet enclosure gone, giant pile of rubble Day two

This utility sink will get installed where the toilet used to be.  Behind it you see the old dishwasher.
our new utility sink waiting to be installed where the toilet used to be Day four

They decided to go back and rip out even more of the wall around where the toilet used to be.
Even more of the wall next to the toilet is gone now.  Behind that wall are the water heater and furnace. Day eight

The utility sink is in position, but not installed yet.
Day twelve

A last look at the old garage door opener.

It's getting kinda cluttered in the garage.
Day sixteen

The window into the garage is set.
Day eighteen

They finished putting up the new wall stuff around where the toilet used to be and outside
the furnace/hot water heater area.  Zoe and Alison peek in.
Day Twenty-three

Can you tell we moved?
Day Twenty-five

We spent two whole days unpacking and cleaning up and we still have a pile of boxes in the garage.
At least now you can walk from the kitchen to the garage door.  Not pictured:  working washer
and dryer!
Day Thirty-one